Welcome to Flipper Bot!

What is Flipper Bot?

Flipper Bot is a very easy-to-use Telegram Bot to buy and sell crypto coins listed on Uniswap on the Ethereum chain.

What it does:

  • Snipe launches
  • Buy & Sell Tokens instantly
  • FlipperScanner (Live Contract Deployed & launched)
  • Shared revenue & rewards for early users

How to use Flipper Bot

Currently, four functionalities are available: buy, sell or transfer coins and limit orders. Make sure you have enough ETH (minimal 0.1 ETH) in your wallet to pay fees for purchasing and selling coins.

Main menu

Click on “Wallet” for wallet information (address, private key, balance, etc.)

Buy coins

  • Click “Buy now” in the main menu and “Buy a token” in the following menu if you want to buy a coin.
  • Enter the token address you want to buy, for instance, the address of $PENGYX: 0x3aeff9536ced04e4443908cb0cebac952a5550c3
  • Enter the amount you want to invest in ETH, for instance, 0.5 ETH.
  • Click “Yes” to proceed
  • Done, you just bought some $PENGYX tokens.

Sell coins

  • Click “Wallet” in the main menu and “Sell a token” in the following menu if you want to sell a coin.
  • Choose the coin and click, for instance, “Sell PENGYX”.
  • Select the amount you want to sell.
  • Click “Yes” to proceed
  • Done, you just sold your $PENGYX tokens.

Check the balance of owned coins

  • Click “Wallet” in the main menu and “Show owned tokens” in the following menu if you want to see your coins.
  • You can easely sell, buy or send your coins. 

Send coins

  • Click “Wallet” in the main menu and “Send ETH” in the following menu if you want to send ETH to another wallet.
  • If you want to send other owned coins, Click “Wallet” in the main menu and “Show owned tokens” in the following menu and choose the coin you want to send, for instance, “Send PENGYX”.
  • Enter the wallet address to send PENGYX to.
  • Enter the amount of PENGYX to send
  • Click “Yes” to proceed
  • Done, you send your $PENGYX tokens.

Limit orders

  • Click “Limit orders” in the main menu and “Create limit order” in the following menu to set a buy limit order.
  • Choose “Buy” if you want to set a buy limit order.
  • Enter the token address of the coin, for instance, the address of $PENGYX: 0x3aeff9536ced04e4443908cb0cebac952a5550c3
  • Enter the amount you want to invest in ETH, for instance, 0.5 ETH.
  • Enter the amount of USD when you want this order to execute.
  • Click “Yes” to proceed
  • Done; you just set a buy limit order for $PENGYX tokens.


  • If you want to set a sell limit order, click “Limit orders” in the main menu and “Create limit order” in the following menu and choose “Sell”.
  • Enter the token address of the coin and the amount of tokens you want to sell.
  • Enter the amount of USD when you want this order to execute.
  • Click “Yes” to proceed
  • Done; you just set a sell limit order.